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Your Customers Are Online!

Have you ever wonder where to find your potential customers?

As a business owner, you must have been spending a lot of time looking for customers, hence the importance of reaching customers on platforms where they spend their time and money on!

Do you know that 83% of the Singapore population is on social media? and that Singaporeans use an average of 8.8 social networks weekly? As of January 2018, the number of social media users in Singapore have grown 9% since January 2017.

The trend right now is that Singaporeans spend an average of 2 hours and 6 minutes daily on social media.

Social Media is where people are. But do people buy things there?

Not directly, as many people would go on Google to research before purchasing. This explains the importance of Google Ads (Pay-per-click/SEM) which target people at the end of the sales funnel.

Social media marketing strategy

But going back to social media: One of the top 10 reasons people say they’re on social media is to buy products advertised to them. They spend around 37% of their social media time interacting with branded content. 57% of Millennials say that social media has made the ads they see more relevant to them. 48% of people say they made their last online purchase as the direct result of a Facebook ad.

There are definitely some winners and losers on social media, just having a profile and sharing some content once in a while isn’t enough. You need a social media marketing strategy. When you understand how to maximize ROI in social media advertising, you win big. But remember social media marketing and advertising are only a facet of digital marketing, but a very important one.

This is extremely valuable information as a business owner! So next time you wonder where to find more customers, think of Social Media and Google Ads! The perfect team!

But not just your customers are online, your competitors too! Read more here: Your Competitors Are Online.

Do you need help to skyrocket the ROI of your marketing campaign and grow your revenue? Call or Email Us! We are always available and happy to help!